
Welcome to the new site!

Site Changes

Hello there and welcome to my brand new website! With a new year, a new website only felt natural to do (also the old one kinda stunk). First thing you’ll probably notice is that you’re no longer being flashbanged the moment you load the site, that was due to the jekyll site theme that I was at the time using not releasing it’s 3.0 update, but pushing documentation for the 3.0 update. The lack of the actual update with the presence of the documentation ended with me creating a broken site that was trying to use 3.0 features, but was still on 2.0. For those of you that visited the site when I had deleted the original repository to work on this site, you’ll probably have seen something like this:

404 Error on a Github Pages site due to the repository being deleted

I felt that just letting the site display an error rather than having an unifinished site would be less confusing, think of it as really fucking weird downtime.

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